Hello, we would appreciate any information about the Nashville area. Best areas to live, schools, information on how the economy is doing. Any and all information would be helpful and appreciated greatly. Thanks
Thinking about moving to Nashville area
If you do a search of the Nashville forum, you%26#39;ll find several recent posts asking that same question. You%26#39;ll get a lot of good information that way.
A lot, of course, depends on what you are looking for and where you%26#39;d end up working. Do you want to be out in the suburbs or do you want to be closer to the action in the city? Do you have kids and how old are they? Those factors will help determine many things.
We left Nashville in May to move back to Atlanta since my husband got a job here. But we enjoyed our two years in Nashville. From what I could tell, the economy was doing fairly well (compared to other cities). It felt very family-oriented. We lived near Vanderbilt and loved it. But with a family, the suburbs might be better.
Oh, and the weather is pretty hard to beat. I notice you%26#39;re from Michigan. We hardly ever got snow and it was usually a flurry.
Thinking about moving to Nashville area
Thanks for the help, we will browse the forums. I am a home builder and Jennifer is a nurse. We would most likely live in the suburbs in a location convenient for the both of us. The mild winter there sounds very inviting. We are leaving a horrible economy looking for an economy with growth for the next twenty years. We do not have children, but a good school system is desired for resale. We love to go downtown, but only need to be with in an hours drive.
I live in a town called Murfreesboro, which is about 30 minutes southeast of Nashville, right down I-24. Rutherford County, where Murfreesboro (or M%26#39;boro, in our shorthand) is located, is one of the fastest-growing, if not THE fastest-growing, counties in the U.S. The housing market here is booming like you wouldn%26#39;t believe, so that would be ideal for your occupation. For your wife, we have Middle TN Medical Center and the Alvin C. York VA Medical Center here in Murfreesboro, a brand-new, hospital called Stonecrest in Smyrna (about 10 miles from M%26#39;boro), and of course there are several in Nashville.
There are A LOT of people who live in M%26#39;boro and commute to Nashville to work every day. They%26#39;ve just made all of I-24 from M%26#39;boro to Nashville a 3-4 lane interstate, so travel to Nashville is quite easy. My husband and I go to Nashville all the time, whether it%26#39;s to a Titans game, shopping, or just out to dinner.
Rutherford County schools are generally recognized as being excellent. They can%26#39;t build schools fast enough to keep up with the booming population here, though!
Just to let you know what kinds of things are here in M%26#39;boro, we have Middle Tennessee State University, which has about 24,000 students (fastest-growing university in TN); all the restaurants you could ever want are either here already or are being built in the next several months, according to news reports; a new business area called ';The Gateway,'; currently under construction, which will also feature a new Middle TN Medical Center.... I could go on and on. I%26#39;ve lived here all my life, and I%26#39;ve NEVER seen progress like what has happened in the last couple of years, and what it going to happen in the next 5 or so years.
If you%26#39;re interested, here%26#39;s a link to the Chamber of Commerce website... http://www.rutherfordchamber.org
If you do happen to end up in M%26#39;boro, I think you%26#39;ll find that it%26#39;s a great place to live and raise a family. Good luck!!!
Thank you for all the great information about the area and economy. I will check the chambers website out as well. We keep hearing very positive news about the area. We have been fairly confident about finding nursing positions. One of my biggest concerns has been the housing market. I really need to hit the ground running. I will be building spec homes for sale so that people can see the quality of my work and I can build a good reputation for custom building. But I really need a booming economy for a faster start. Long term, we both think that this is the area for us. We have stayed in the Smoky Mountains before and would love to live close to the hiking and outdoors ativities. Thanks again.
Barney01 has given you a top notch summary of Murfreesboro, which is indeed booming. You might also find prices to be more ideal in terms of housing than in the Nashville %26#39;burbs like Franklin and Brentwood. Those two areas are very nice and attract a lof of families, but can be really pricey.
One thing I love about M%26#39;boro is their town square. Every spring they have a fantastic jazz festival that we try not to miss. You just bring your chair to the square, sit down and enjoy the day.
Peachyswan is absolutely right about the town square, and I can%26#39;t believe I didn%26#39;t mention it in my earlier reply! The square has some great restaurants, bars, and shops. It%26#39;s such a great example of what a town square should be, that it%26#39;s been featured in several commercials, music videos, a couple of movies, and even the Monday Night Football opening shots a few years ago. It really is very charming.
And just to touch on the housing market one more time, since that%26#39;s a focus area for you... My husband and I have a friend who%26#39;s a builder here in M%26#39;boro, and he stays extremely busy. There are subdivisions cropping up EVERYWHERE. It%26#39;s really unbelievable how many homes are being built, so I think you pretty much have a built-in market if you end up moving this way.
Please let me know if I can answer any more questions!
I have lived in different sections of Nashville for the last 20 years. I lived east of Nashville in the Hermitage %26amp; Old Hickory. Nice area, but not much appreciation over the years. If you want an excellent quality house, look for Frank Batson homes. He only builds in Davidson Co. (Nashville), but will go out of the county if you supply the land. I currently live in Franklin, have been here for 6 years. You want quality schools, Williamson County is the place to be. The other posters are correct, it can be pricey due to the heavy county music population, but significant growth has led to a wide variety of price points. Taxes are fairly reasonable. $350,000, 4000 sq. ft house run about $2500/yr. Takes about 20 minutes to get to downtown and the airport. For rush hour, plan on 35-40. Tolerable. No mass transit to speak of. Best of luck and you will love Tennessee!
the housing market is booming here cause everyone is moving here. I worked for a home builder and my father ran a real estate company and i say it%26#39;s a great market.
cool springs, brentwood, franklin areas, forget all the rest.
VolRichard: What%26#39;s it like living in Old Hickory Village in terms of shopping, dining? There are some gorgeous old homes there at reasonable prices. I read that the little mall burned down. Is there anywhere to eat within fifteen minutes of there? I live in L.A. and am doing initial neighborhood-hunting online. My husband went there in the dead of night last night before his 8:00 a.m. return trip to L.A. this morning because I got him all excited about the houses there. But he didn%26#39;t see much other than some nice churches, Maisie%26#39;s, and the post office.
Thanks much,
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