Friday, April 9, 2010


My family(Grandmother- 63, mother- 42, brother- 21, and me- 15) have been trying to think of what to do for Thanksgiving. Though we live in Knoxville, none of us have spent much time in Gatlinburg, especially not the city itself, and just have visited the mountains once, maybe twice. We all have different tastes, but none of us are interested in arts and crafts or country music. My brother doesn%26#39;t enjoy ';country living'; much so more modern themed suggestions would be appreciated (no horse rides, or historal things) . Any suggestions will be a great help for us to enjoy our first Thanksgiving since my father died. Thanks a lot for your help.

Please keep in mind that the grandmother can not walk very well.

Thanks much.


You should visit the Aquarium.


....and sorry to hear about the loss of your father, know this must be a tough time for everyone.


I feel your pain. My father left us recently and he loved Gatlinburg. My brother-in-law left us 5 days ago and G%26#39;burg was his %26#39;high%26#39;

You don%26#39;t need to go there to entertain yourself, make it for the feeling of being together in a special place. Hold hands, walk the town....cook out...have a picnic in the Park...just being together and this place seems to be a special %26#39;bonding%26#39; place, for some reason! Gatlinburg brought our family (from many States) together every year for many years. It became very special. A cousin printed T-Shirts, another made up photo shots and printed pencils.

Start a family reunion there. Make it a %26#39;gathering spot%26#39; where everybody gets together and can go off and do their own thing.

Bless you and good luck !


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