Sunday, April 4, 2010

Time Share

Back about a month ago when the time share topic was brought up, MountainMan suggested a writing campaign to people in city counsel with information who to write to. With a trip coming up, I decided to do just that. I never got around to writing the forum about a response I received because it was while I was packing for our trip. My email was taken seriously. I received a response from Cindy Cameron Ogle, the City Manager. In her email, she axplained that the city does not regulate the time share induThe City does not regulate the time share industry, but that the Real Estate Commission does. And she gave me contact information. Here is the contact information she gave me in my email.

';[Time share] is controlled by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. Their contact information is: Tennessee Real Estate Commission, 500 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1152. The Executive Director is Mr. Bruce Lynn. The telephone numbers are 615-741-2273; facsimile 615-741-0313. A copy of this correspondence and your complaint is being forwarded to that agency.stry.';

I thought I would share what she wrote me so that anyone else with a complaints can use the info above. Apparently, it is sorking to at least some limited degree. I recieved an email jsut todya from the Bluegreen corporation apoligizing for any inconvenience their company may possibly have caused.

So writing does help. If more people write, more may be done to harness the problem. I just thought if anyone who was thinking about writing, but hadn%26#39;t yet, might do so if they knew it would not be a waste of time. Let%26#39;s be a collective voice heard!!

Time Share

Sorry for the typo. I didn%26#39;t proof read. Every time I fail to do that, it is when I needed to the most! :) Hope it wasn%26#39;t too confusing...

Time Share

I got the same response, and I also got a letter from one of the time share companies appologizing for any inconvenience.

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